8 fun things to do while tripping

By: Kaleb Hudson

· Mushrooms

Tripping on psilocybin mushrooms (also known as shrooms) or any psychedelic is bound to take you through a journey that changes the way you experience the world. Yet, the question remains, what should we be doing with this newfound potential? Mushrooms have the ability to make any mundane activities into novel ones, but some activities can create a more special experience than others. We’re here to narrow down your search for fun activities to immerse yourself in while on your mushroom trip. While it may seem exciting to jump right into any one of these activities it’s important to remember to engage in these activities at your own comfort and access. Do not drive or operate machinery while tripping! Your set (your feelings, beliefs, and health) and your setting (physical surroundings) play the largest role in how your psychedelic experience may unfold. Give yourself grace and arm yourself with the proper precautions to have a great experience. Here are 8 fun things you can do on your shroom trip!

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Watching a Movie

A good movie can have the ability to inspire you, brighten your day, and change the way you view the world. Whether it’s at home or at a theater, watching a movie can be an awesome event to plan a shroom trip for. New movies come out all the time and taking some shrooms for the occasion can enhance your experience. The trippy visuals and euphoric state a mushroom trip puts you in can make for interesting interpretations of a film. There are so many genres out there, from mind-bending sci-fi to loveable romantic comedies and exploratory documentaries. It’s important to be selective of what you’re watching as it may alter your mood and trip in a way you weren’t intending. Find a movie that you and your friends will enjoy and immerse yourselves.

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Listen to Music

“OH THIS IS MY JAM!” Listening to music is a great activity to pass the time during your mushroom trip. Whether you’re catching up on that new album you've been meaning to listen to or revisiting some songs you hold close to your heart, music itself has the power to take you on a journey. While tripping you may pick up on different sounds and instruments that you couldn’t hear before. For all of the concert-goers, taking shrooms at a concert could be the perfect way to make your experience even better. Watching an artist sing or strum their instrument is a sure way to get lost in the vibe of great music. Everything working in tandem to create a beautiful song can create something beautiful out of your experience as well.




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Take a bath

Shrooms have a very euphoric quality about them, combine that with a hot bath or shower and you get pure bliss. A lot can happen in the midst of a shroom trip, things can become intense and flavorful. One thing we can do to destress is to relax our minds and muscles under the warmth of a shower or bath. Maybe turn on some music, light a candle, or light your favorite incense to wind down and destress.



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Shrooms have a way of changing our perception and view of things, one way that comes about is through our creativity. The unique visuals and patterns a shroom trip gives us are like no other. Painting or drawing to capture the moment of our experience is a fun activity for anyone of the artsy sort. Unleash some of that creative energy and create some art to express yourself. The best part is that there’s no wrong way to create art. Let your mind and hands flow to the rhythm of creation.


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Mediation is a common practice amongst people seeking to practice mindfulness and reconnect with themselves or the world around them. The euphoric and introspective qualities shrooms have make meditation a no-brainer. Finding time to simply relax, focus on your breathing, and let the time pass you by while your thoughts and imagination run wild is more than therapeutic. Shrooms can aid in the process of meditation by refocusing your heightened senses and bringing you back to the present moment. Meditating with music or something relaxing is also an option.


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Reflect and contemplate

Reflecting on your life and past experience is something that’s bound to happen during a shroom trip. Mushrooms have a unique introspective quality about them that can create a myriad of different experiences for an individual. While full-on hallucinations are unlikely to occur, there have been reports of inexplicable feelings of oneness, speaking to God, or being visited by a loved one. While you may not have moments like these during your trip, you may have a significant thought or a “Eureka!” moment, so it’s always a good idea to journal or write your thoughts down for later.


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Take a nature walk

In today’s day and age, most people are deprived of the serene beauty nature has to offer. We often may find ourselves cooped up in our houses while the time passes by. While on your trip you may find yourself being drawn to the outdoors by pure instinct. It’s time to give yourself that much-needed break from the regular world and reopen that childlike curiosity and enthusiasm to enjoy nature. Take a hike, ride your bike through a nice bike trail, or even go barefoot in your backyard. The great outdoors is calling you, go say hello.




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For most people studying may sound like a boring task but shrooms have the power to make anything interesting. Our brains are hardwired to take in new information and add it to our arsenal of knowledge. Shrooms can change the way we view and think of things which could make some subjects easier to understand. Even the way we practice certain things can be enhanced through our heightened sense and aptitude accruing knowledge. Studying, reading up on an interesting topic, and learning something new are all ways we can utilize shrooms to build up our arsenal of knowledge. So get out there and learn something!